This magazine has used mis en scene to put across it's ideology. The text books used put across the idea of a hard working student, whilst the clothing worn by the student is stylish, giving the image of a typical student. This then shows the magazine's representation of students as well as showing it's ideology. An Audience can easily be drawn in by the magazine due to it's representation, this is because most college students look like the student on the picture and therefore will assume the magazine is aimed at them.
This cover is not as effective as the last. It does not clearly show a theme or purpose in its text or image. It's design is very basic and doesn't show the attitudes or beliefs it needs to be an effective cover, because of this its audience is not clearly stated. I can see it looks to be aimed at females because of the woman on the front and the light blue used, however it does not mention any typical female content to be found inside the magazine.
The magazine cover has not used typical conventions, most college magazines use a main image of a student whereas the woman on this cover looks about 30. The text anchorage does not fully explain the image, this could mean that those who do not know who Brooke Burns is (like me) will not know what the interview will include nor will it excite anyone. As well as an image not expected nor useful text anchorage, the cover has not used effective sell lines, a headline or a barcode with a date and price.
This magazine cover manages to put across an appropriate image that matches the text used. The text explaining what's inside the magazine is fairly general to college life and those who attend college, therefore the designer has put a student who fits the general image of a college student. Because the magazine is so general, more people are likely to read it therefore it has a large target audience. The magazine has a house theme in it's cover, this is the theme of red; blue; and white with some black text and a young college student wearing red, blue and white. These are also the colours of many countries including the UK and USA so the colour theme could represent a patriotic institution and ideology behind the magazine.
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