Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Monday, 14 October 2013

Conventions of music magazines

Main image, headline, masthead, anchorage, barcode, date, price, sell lines, plugs/promotional offers, teasers, following the rule of thirds.
Contents Page:
Continuous colour scheme, main article taking up more than any others, title, date, page numbers, quotes from the article or band members etc, big stories with pictures and lesser articles without images, small ads, editor's section (picture with a paragraph or two.
Double Page Spread:
Picture of the band, overlapping text, title/headline, many pictures of the band, extracts/quotes from the article, continuos colour scheme, an article written in columns, captions, extra information eg. tours, festivals albums etc...

Main Task Brief

Music magazine front cover and double page spread.
Need to choose a specific genre. (alternative/hard rock)
at least 4 images in front cover, but maybe have more.
Use icons of that genre.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Ideas Moodboard

have a student in front of the college with a headline explaining their recent success
include either oak or a specific department
have a music and film section talking about albums and upcoming gigs, films, tv shows etc
have separate articles as well as the main one with the headline and anchorage text

Monday, 7 October 2013

Initial magazine ideas

Ideas for a magazine front cover 

  • A headline appropriate to the college. e g. a recent event, success etc.
  • A main image appropriate to the headline. eg. A student with the college or a particular department in the background.
  • Appropriate anchorage text suiting the main image and headline.
  • Sell lines featuring extracts from article.
  • A barcode with the date of completion and a appropriate price typical to college magazines, unless they're free.
  • have the masthead in the left corner if possible...

write about the success of a particular wyke student

Conventions of magazines

Conventions of magazines:

Main Image 
Barcode (with price and date)
Anchorage text
Sell lines
Possibly a plug or promotion